


libraryDependencies += "io.cardell" %%% "flipt-sdk-server" % "0.3.0-RC1"
// or
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
    "io.cardell" %%% "openfeature-sdk" % "0.3.0-RC1",
    // for circe json variant types
    "io.cardell" %%% "openfeature-sdk-circe" % "0.3.0-RC1",
    // to use flipt as a backend
    "io.cardell" %%% "openfeature-provider-flipt" % "0.3.0-RC1"

OpenFeature Compatibility

Features Status
Logging 🚧
Domains 🚧
Eventing 🚧
Shutdown 🚧
Transaction Context Propagation 🚧

OpenFeature Usage

The OpenFeature SDK adds features like handling default values in case of errors. Eventually the SDK will cover the full range of the openfeature specification, like hooks, events, static vs dynamic context.

See Flipt usage on how to set up the FliptApi. Once done, set up a provider:

import cats.effect.IO
import io.circe.Decoder

import io.cardell.flipt.FliptApi
import io.cardell.openfeature.OpenFeature
import io.cardell.openfeature.provider.flipt.FliptProvider
import io.cardell.openfeature.circe._

case class SomeVariant(field: String, field2: Int)

def provider(flipt: FliptApi[IO])(implicit d: Decoder[SomeVariant]) = {
    val featureSdk = OpenFeature[IO](new FliptProvider[IO](flipt, "some-namespace"))

    featureSdk.client.flatMap { featureClient =>
        for {
            eval <- featureClient.getBooleanValue("boolean-flag", false)
            _ <- IO.println(s"${eval}")
            eval2 <- featureClient.getStructureValue[SomeVariant](
                SomeVariant("a", 1)
            _ <- IO.println(s"${eval2}")
        } yield ()


Hooks are work-in-progress. All four OpenFeature hook types are supported but only on the FeatureClient and Provider interfaces.

Implementing A New EvaluationProvider

EvaluationProvider does not need to handle any errors that aren't deemed recoverable, or need to implement any hook logic. Running hooks, and handling default evaluations on error is handled in the library

Implement the call, response decoding, and handle any recoverable errors that make sense.

Flipt Usage

The Flipt client is bare-bones, using it is not recommended, unless as OpenFeature SDK Provider.

import cats.effect.IO
import org.http4s.ember.client.EmberClientBuilder
import org.http4s.Uri
import io.cardell.flipt.FliptApi
import io.cardell.flipt.EvaluationRequest
import io.cardell.flipt.auth.AuthenticationStrategy

val url: Uri = Uri.unsafeFromString("")
// url: Uri = Uri(
//   scheme = Some(value = Scheme(https)),
//   authority = Some(
//     value = Authority(
//       userInfo = None,
//       host = RegName(host =,
//       port = None
//     )
//   ),
//   path = ,
//   query = ,
//   fragment = None
// )
val token: String = "token"
// token: String = "token"

val resource = EmberClientBuilder
    .map(client =>
        FliptApi[IO](client, url, AuthenticationStrategy.ClientToken("token"))
// resource: cats.effect.kernel.Resource[IO, FliptApi[IO]] = Bind(
//   source = Bind(
//     source = Eval(fa = Pure(value = ())),
//     fs = org.http4s.ember.client.EmberClientBuilder$$Lambda$15870/0x00000008041e6840@1710e3fc
//   ),
//   fs = cats.effect.kernel.Resource$$Lambda$15871/0x00000008041f8040@1ac50675
// )

resource.use { flipt => 
    for {
        res <- flipt.evaluateBoolean(
                namespaceKey = "default",
                flagKey = "my-flag-1",
                entityId = None,
                context = Map.empty,
                reference = None
    } yield res.enabled
// res0: IO[Boolean] = FlatMap(
//   ioe = Pure(value = ()),
//   f = cats.effect.kernel.Resource$$Lambda$15873/0x00000008041ff840@47ac4d2f,
//   event = cats.effect.tracing.TracingEvent$StackTrace
// )

Future Work